Joel Brind, Ph.D., is a professor of Human Biology and endocrinology and Deputy Chair for Biology at BaruchCollege, CUNY, and co-founder of the Breast Cancer PreventionInstitute. He has been teaching since 1986, and researching the abortion/breast cancer (ABC) link since1992. He recently reported that within the past decade“ literally dozens of studies” have come out of Asia and the Mideast indicating “the linkage is obvious”. Dr. Brind cites the “now raging breast cancer epidemic in China following on the infamous ‘one-child policy’ instituted in 1980. The role of abortion there became clear in 2013 [with] HubeiHuang et al. publishing a systematic review and meta-analysis of no less than three dozen studies from mainlandChina alone.” In 1996, Brind and his colleagues “documented with[their] own review and meta-analysis, among world-wide studies at that time – a 30% increase in breast cancer risk among women with a history of any induced abortions… Literally millions of women are paying the price for what I have often described as a cover-up. All these results mean that the trade association of the people that perform abortions(associations such as the American College of ObGynsand the Royal College of ObGyns) has a major PR problem on their hands. Sure, you can recycle the old lies promulgated by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI)back in 2003, but the 14-year-old conclusions about allegedly‘safe abortion’ are a bit old and the ‘evidence’ almost laughably outdated.” Brind refers to the recent “fact sheet” distributed by the abortion advocacy group Abortion Law Reform AssociationNew Zealand as a “refurbished pack of lies”. The factsheet refers to NCI’s 2003 ‘workshop’ findings that “neither induced nor spontaneous abortions are linked to arise (sic) in breast cancer risk.” Brind states that he was one of the experts at the ‘workshop’ and that they “were not even permitted to examine the data during this charade of one-sided presentations.” Brind states that the NCI disburses grant money for most breast cancer research. Brindwrote a minority report contradicting the findings. One researcher who declined to collaborate on the minority report told Brind, “I have to live with these people every day; they have to sign off on my grants.” The NCI calls Brind’sreport a ‘minority dissenting comment’ on their website, but provides “no link to the text or even a mention of the author’s name.” (To access the report, go to bcpinstitute.org.)The first “fact” on the New Zealand fact sheet states, “Many studies with strong research designs conducted throughout the world with hundreds of thousands of women unanimously conclude that women who have had either spontaneous or induced abortions do not have a subsequent elevated risk for developing breast cancer.” Brind asks, “How many is many? They don’t say. Nor – most importantly– do they say what proportion of existing studies they are talking about. It is only to state the obvious that the absence of such basic data is very disturbing.” Brand then comments on the phrase “studies with strong research designs”. He notes that the phrase sounds “impressive, even meaningful, but it has no meaning whatsoever, because they don’t say whether they are good studies or bad.(Most of these ‘many’ are actually probably fraudulent, and [Brind has] published deconstructions of them many times in…peer-reviewed medical literature.” Brind then comments on the phrase that these studies ‘unanimously conclude’: “So, for example, say you have 100 studies. 20come to one conclusion (say, that there’s no link between abortion and breast cancer), and 80 of them come to the opposite conclusion (that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer). Well, in a sense the 20 studies can be called ‘many’, right? Taking the ‘many’ (20) studies (even though which in fact they comprise a small minority of the100 total studies), we can truthfully say that these ‘many’studies ‘unanimously conclude’ that there is no link…This should set a new world’s Olympic record in gymnastics – verbal gymnastics, that is! But real facts – like the fact that abortion does indeed raise a woman’s risk of breast cancer – are not subject to majority rule by organizations which engage in such deceptive marketing. Yes, they can be denied by a majority of health ministries, abortion associations, even voluntary anti-cancer charities (in reality, all the same cadre of politically correct population controllers), and you may arrive at any ‘consensus’ you like.Facts – real facts – are indeed stubborn things. The earth is round…and abortion increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer.” Iceland recently reported that they “are on the verge of
eliminating Down Syndrome”. Fr. Shenan Boquet of Human
Life International asks, “But how has Iceland
achieved this seeming miracle of modern medicine? Peel
back the cheerful headline, and one discovers a true Pandora’s
box of horrors.” Fr. Boquet notes that prenatal testing
for Down’s in Iceland is nearly universal and nearly
100% of the children diagnosed with Down’s are aborted.
(Iceland has not eliminated Down’s, they have eliminated
people with Down’s.) But Iceland is not alone.
Some studies show that 9 out of every 10 children diagnosed
with Down’s are aborted. “Many western countries
like the US, France, and Denmark – Denmark claiming a
98% abortion rate for unborn children diagnosed with
Down syndrome – are active participants in this atrocious
act of discrimination.” Fr. Boquet continues, “As horrifying as a government- imposed eugenics program is, surely there is something
equally horrifying in the fact that the eugenic mentality
has penetrated so deeply into the public mindset that there
is no longer any need for government intervention: so that
barely a single mother or father can be found…left to fight
the zeitgeist and unconditionally welcome their unborn
child with Down’s for the mere fact that he or she is their
baby, “imperfections” and all.” One study of those living
with Down’s found that 99% of them are “happy” with
their lives. Another study found that 99% of the parents of
children with Down’s love their child, and 97% of them
were “proud of them”. An Icelandic woman with Down’s
stated, “They only see Down syndrome. They don’t see
me. It doesn’t feel good. I want people to see that I am
just like everybody else.”
SURGICAL ABORTIONS involve an invasive
Vacuum Aspiration is done in the first trimester. A
hollow plastic suction tube is inserted into the dilated
cervix. The uterus is emptied by either a manual syringe
or high-powered suction machine. The broken pieces of
the child are pulled through the hose.
Dilation and Suction Curettage (D & C) is similar to
the vacuum aspiration, but generally used after 14 weeks.
After the child is suctioned out of the uterus, the
abortionist inserts a curette and cuts the placenta and
umbilical cord into pieces and scrapes them out into a
basin. The uterus is suctioned out to be sure no body parts
have been left behind. Bleeding is usually profuse.
Dilation and Extraction (D & E): The cervix must be
dilated considerably farther than in 1st-trimester abortions.
Forceps are used since the baby’s bones are calcified. The
abortionist uses the forceps to grab the baby’s leg or other
body part and with a twisting motion tears it from the
body. The spine is snapped and the skull crushed. The
body parts must be reassembled and counted to assure that
the entire baby has been removed and nothing remains in
the womb.
Induction or Prostaglandin Abortion: Labor is induced
using prostaglandin drugs, and the cervix is dilated. To
ensure that the baby is dead upon delivery and to start
uterine contractions, saline or urea is injected. To
guarantee against a live birth, Digoxin or potassium
chloride may be injected directly into the baby’s heart to
kill the child before delivery. Other times the child may be
delivered alive and left without medical intervention until
the child dies. This method is used in the 2nd or 3rd
Dilation and Extraction (D & X or partial-birth
abortion): The mother undergoes 2 days of dilation. The
abortionist performs an ultrasound to locate the child’s legs
and feet. Forceps are used to pull the legs into a feet-down
position. The abortionist uses his hands to deliver the child
in a manner similar to a breech birth. The head remains
inside the birth canal. Surgical scissors are used to pierce
the child’s head at the base of the skull and forced open to
enlarge the skull opening. A suction catheter is then used
to remove the brain tissue. This machine is 29 times more
powerful than a household vacuum.
administration of drugs specifically intended to abort the
child or drugs which, at least part of the time, may prevent
Emergency Contraception (EC) – Plan B: EC contains
synthetic (not naturally occurring) progesterone and is a
large dose of the common birth control pill. It is designed
to be taken within 72 hours after ‘unprotected sex’.
EC works in 3 ways. It attempts to stop ovulation, stop
fertilization by impeding the transportation of sperm to the
egg, or stop implantation by altering (thinning) the lining
of the endometrium so that the embryo cannot implant and
receive nourishment from the mother. The first 2 methods
are contraceptive, but if they fail, the third method causes
an abortion, since it occurs after fertilization.
Ulipristal Acetate (UPA) – ella is a selective progesterone
receptor modulator (SPRM). SPRMs block the action of the
hormone progesterone, which is necessary for ovulation
and implantation and maintaining the lining of the uterus to
support the embryo. Mifepristone (RU-486) is also an
SPRM. ella is billed as an EC, even though it acts similar
to RU-486. It is designed to be taken within 5 days of
‘unprotected sex’ and is thought to inhibit or delay
ovulation in order to prevent fertilization. However,
ovulation may have already occurred. ella can also alter
the lining of the uterus, which will prevent an embryo
from implanting, causing an abortion.
RU-486 – Mifeprex (The Abortion Pill): Mifeprex blocks
the action of progesterone, which is needed to maintain the
lining of the uterus and provide oxygen and nutrients for
the child. Mifeprex is used with Cytotec (misoprostol).
Cytotec causes uterine bleeding, which can be profuse,
strong contractions and expulsion of the child. A woman
receives the Mifeprex pills on the first visit, returns 2 days
later for the misoprostol, and a third visit is required to
verify that the abortion is complete. The ‘failure’ rate of
this method is 8% at 7 weeks, and up to 23% at 8 or 9
weeks. If the child survives this abortion attempt, there is
a higher risk of mental and/or physical birth defects from
the misoprostol.
Hormonal Contraceptives: All hormonal contraceptives
including the pill, mini pill, patch, vaginal ring, intrauterine
device (IUD), or injection can work in one of 3 ways:
prevent ovulation, prevent fertilization or prevent implantation.
As stated earlier, the first 2 methods are contraceptive,
but if they fail, the third method causes an abortion.
Risks and side effects from abortion include breast cancer,
post-abortion grief which may result in emotional and
physical disturbances (including depression, insomnia,
nervousness, guilt and regret, alcohol and drug abuse, and
suicidal thoughts), complications in future pregnancies
(including excessive bleeding, premature delivery, placenta
previa, retention of the placenta, cervical damage and
sterility), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), uterine
perforations, and tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. Risks from
hormonal birth control include blood clots, ectopic
pregnancy, bacterial infections, increased susceptibility to
the AIDS virus and increased risk of cervical and breast
cancer. Studies have also shown an increase in sexually
transmitted infection rates since EC became widely
Sources: Human Life Alliance, ‘Do you have an open mind?’, and www.all.org
Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., NRL Director of
Education & Research, commented in National Right
to Life News Today on December 1st and 2nd on the
latest CDC report. The US Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) recently released their abortion surveillance
report for 2011. There was a significant drop in the
number, rate and ratio of abortions in the US. (Note:
the most populous state, California, as well as
Maryland and New Hampshire did not submit data).
The Guttmacher Institute (a nonprofit research
organization that supports abortion) issued a report
earlier this year that also showed a notable drop in the
number of abortions. The CDC reported 730,322
abortions for 2011. The Guttmacher Institute reported
1,058,470 for the same year. The Guttmacher Institute
surveys abortion facilities directly. The CDC relies on
state health reports. This explains the higher number
reported by Guttmacher. Therefore, Guttmacher’s
numbers are viewed as more accurate. However,
Guttmacher only issues reports every few years. The
CDC reports annually, and tracks the same variables
most years.
The 2011 total is the lowest number of abortions
reported by the CDC since California, New Hampshire
and at least one other state were dropped in 1998. The
abortion rate of 13.9 (number of abortions per 1000
women ages 15-44) is the lowest recorded rate since
1973. The abortion ratio (number of abortions for
every 1000 live births) was 359 in 1980. The abortion
ratio for 2011 was 219 – quite a significant drop.
Women aged 29 and younger had 71.7% of the
reported abortions in the 2011 CDC report. 32.9%
of these were women aged 20-24. Overall, teens
accounted for 13.9% of all abortions in 2011. In 1980,
teens accounted for 29.2% of all abortions.
The abortion rate for women 30-34 did not drop as
significantly, and the abortion rate for women 35-39
went up 1.4% and for women 40 and over there was a
7.7% increase. O’Bannon questions whether this could
reflect a generational attitude difference (younger
women more pro-life) or the result of more pre-natal
genetic testing which results in abortion after a
negative diagnosis.
More abortions were done at less than 8 weeks
gestation in 2011 (64.5%) than in 1973 (36.1%). More
than 1/3 of all abortions are now done at 6 weeks or
less. O’Bannon notes the significant increase in the use
of chemical abortion methods. However, most abortions
(79.4%) still fall under “curettage” which includes
manual vacuum aspiration, suction aspiration, D&E
(dilation and evacuation) and other surgical methods.
Abortions at 14 weeks gestation or more accounted for
8.7% of all abortions. 7,325 were done at 21 weeks or
The Wednesday STOPP report of December 3, 2014
issued by Stop Planned Parenthood noted that the CDC
report showed that abortion ratios throughout the entire
period were highest among girls under the age of 15, and
that abortion ratios decreased from 2002 to 2011 for
women in all age groups except those under 15. The
STOPP report noted that a Planned Parenthood fact
sheet acknowledges that adolescents are more likely to
have an abortion at 21 weeks gestation or later.
Most abortions (85.5%) involve unmarried women.
46.4% of all abortions were repeat abortions with 25.5%
having one previous abortion, 11.6% having 2 and 9.3%
reporting 3 or more previous abortions. 60% of all
women reported having had at least one previous live
birth. 19.6% had at least 2 children and 13.9% had 3 or
more. O’Bannon notes that this indicates a need to
address the needs of the young, single mom as well as
the high school teenager.
Race and ethnicity are more difficult to report, since
the states track this information differently or not at all.
However, O’Bannon reports that abortion rates for
Hispanics dropped more than those for non-Hispanics,
and that although African Americans make up 14.2% of
the US population, African American women accounted
for 36-38% of all abortions in the US in 2011. Abortion
rates for African Americans did go down over the past
10 years, but are still much higher than other groups.
The black abortion rate is 25.8 versus 7.8 for white. The
black abortion ratio is 381 abortions for every 1000 live
births and 126 abortions for whites. O’Bannon states that
these numbers indicate a need to increase the pro-life
outreach to minority communities.
Dr. O’Bannon notes that although the number of
abortions has dropped significantly over the past 20
years, women are still dying from abortion. 10 women
are known to have died in 2010 (CDC abortion mortality
figures are always behind by one year). For 11 years, 6
or more women have died from abortions. He notes that
the risk of death from abortion figures reported by the
CDC for the past decade are actually higher than it was
for the previous one. He acknowledges that we have
made progress, but there are still many ways for us to
save unborn babies and their mothers.
- Is Abortion Murder?
- Too Many Aborted
- Time To Adult
- Abort73
- The Unchoice
- Abortion Procedures
- Look At Abortion
- www.SafeandLegal.com
- www.ChildPredators.com
- www.ClinicWorker.com
“God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
Thomas Jefferson, 1781
