Face the Truth: Pro Life Defend the Freedom to be BORN!

Sun Jan 19th, 2025 2 – 3:30PM

Pro-life Women, men and children are invited to take part in this peaceful , lawful Face the Truth event for the protection of life in the womb and against abortions committed at Nassau Univ. Medical Center, the largest abortion provider on Long Island. Gather on public sidewalk in front of building at 2201 Hempstead Tpk., East Meadow, NY.

Signs provided (on side street, east end of hospital). Rain or shine. 

Sponsored by Long Island Coalition for Life 631–243-1435; info@prolifeLI.org

High School Pro Life Oratory Contest


ATTENTION 10th, 11th & 12th Grade H.S. Students!


High 10th, 11th and 12th graders including home schoolers, you have the voice, the enthusiasm, the spirit and the opportunity to speak up for the voiceless and marginalized members of the human family-the pre-born, the frail elderly and the disabled.  


Please consider participating in the annual Oratory Contest sponsored by the Long Island Coalition for Life Educational Trust to be held at Joseph Barry Council of Knights of Columbus, 45 Heitz Place, Hicksville, NY on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 1 to 4 PM.  You will have the opportunity to express in a logical and organized way your respect for the life of every individual no matter how small or incapacitated.  The first, second and third place winners will receive $1000, $600 and $400 respectively.


Contestants are to research, write, and present an original 5-7 minute speech on one of these topics directly, using other topics only as support.:

  • Abortion
  • Assisted Suicide
  • Bioethics (as it relates to pro-life)
  • Black Genocide (through abortion
  • Cloning/Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Ectogenesis
  • Eugenics (as it relates to pro-life) 
  • Euthanasia
  • Fetal Development (in the context of abortion)
  • Infanticide
  • Legal Points – Right to Life 
  • Men & Abortion 
  • Post Abortion 
  • Pro Life Apologetics 
  • Special Needs/Down Syndrome (as it relates to pro life)                                                                                                                   


Contestants can refer to notes during speech but should not read it.  Please complete the following application and return it along with your written speech by Feb. 3rd, 2025 to MakeRoom4Him@gmail.com


Download Application Here: https://prolifeed.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/OratoryContestApplication.doc

Download Rules Here: https://prolifeed.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Oratory-Contest-Rules.doc 



The twentieth annual High School Pro Life Oratory Contest, sponsored by the Long Island Coalition for Life Educational Trust, was held On March 2nd, 2024 at Knights of Columbus, Joseph Barry Council in Hicksville.

This year we expanded the contest to include 10th grade students as well as 11th and 12thgraders. We had an unusually large pool of applicants this year, 17 with 6 from St John the Baptist, 5 from Kellenberg Memorial, 4 from St Pius V, 1 from Chaminade, and for the first time, 1 from a Christian School, Grace Christian Academy. (Invitations and applications were sent to Guidance Counselors at all LI Public High Schools, but none were received.) 12 of these students were invited to speak at the contest and 11 actually did so.

Students were invited to research, write and deliver a 5-7 minute original speech on life issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or cloning/stem cell research. The judges praised the excellent quality and fine presentations of the speeches, resulting in difficult judging!

The first place winner was a repeat from last year, Kathleen Hovestadt from St Pius V High School, 2nd Place winner was Ava Ghecas also from St Pius, while 3rd place went to Madeline Naughton from Kellenberg.  Prizes of $1000, $600 and two at $400, along with plaques were awarded to these excellent speakers.  

All participants did a fine job and we sincerely thank them for their participation! Thanks also to their parents for supporting them in this worthwhile endeavor.

Robert L. Dougherty Esq. is the generous supporter who provided prize money for the contest.  Judges George Frost, Kathy Feldman and Fred Peritore capably handled the difficult task of selecting winners. 

Thanks to Sr Mary Fatima and Sr Mary Bernadette from St. Pius V, Brother Michael Gillen from Kellenberg, Mr William Clemens from Chaminade and Mr Stephen Schultz from Grace Christian Academy, who all encouraged/coordinated with students and/or attended the contest.

Thanks also to Charlie and Kathy Feldman for always arranging the refreshments and décor at the event. Lastly thanks to Coalition members Dan Sherry (Chairman of the Educational Trust), Jack O’Brian, Ann Cook and Celeste Broyles who all attended and spoke with participants, helping to make this a very successful event. It was so wonderful to hear the younger generation speaking up for LIFE! 

In addition to the 3 winners, we thank all the students who applied and finalists: Olivia Hand from St Pius V, Kevin Kelly, Scott Harford and Emily Cook from Kellenberg, Emilie Bobrowski, Katelyn Hamel from St Johns, Han Hao from Grace Christian Academy and Charles Clague from Chaminade. We applaud you fro speaking up for LIFE!




The Nineteenth Annual High School Oratory Contest, sponsored by the Long Island Coalition for Life Educational Trust, was held On March 25th, 2023 at Knights of Columbus, Joseph Barry Council in Hicksville.

Students in grades 11 and 12 were invited to research, write and deliver a 5-7 minute original speech on the life issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or cloning/stem cell research. 

The judges praised the excellent quality and fine presentations of the speeches, resulting in difficult judging!

The first place winner was Kathleen Hovestadt from St Pius V High School, 2nd Place winner was Elizabeth Halpin who attends Kellenberg Memorial High School, and 3rd Place was awarded to Olivia Hand who also attends St. Pius V. Prizes of $1000, $600 and two at $400, along with plaques were awarded to these excellent speakers.  

Also participating were Nora Butler From Kellenberg, Nicholas Maisano who attends Chaminda High School, and Catherine Ryan who is homeschooled. All participants did a fine job and we sincerely thank them for their participation! Thanks also to their parents for supporting them in this worthwhile endeavor.

Robert L. Dougherty Esq. is the generous supporter who provided prize money for the contest.  Judges were George Frost, Kathy Feldman and Fred Peritore. 

Thanks to Sr Marie Chabanel and Sr. MaryAnn from St. Pius V, and Brother Michael Gillen from Kellenberg, who all encouraged/coordinated with students and attended the contest.





The Eighteenth Annual High School Oratory Contest, sponsored by the Long Island Coalition for Life Educational Trust, was held On March 26th, 2022 at Knights of Columbus, Joseph Barry Council in Hicksville.

Students in grades 11 and 12 were invited to research, write and deliver a 5-7 minute original speech on the life issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or cloning/stem cell research. 

The judges praised the excellent quality and fine presentations of the speeches, resulting in difficult judging!

The first place winner was Kathryn Gheckas, 2nd Place went to Margaret Fantz, while there was a tie for 3rd place between Angelina Stein and Deirdre Carroll. This year all the contestants came from St Pius. V High School in Melville and we sincerely thank them for  their particpation!

Prizes of $500, $300 and $200 along with plaques were awarded to the top three speakers.  Robert L. Dougherty Esq. is the generous supporter who provided most of the prize money for the contest.  Judges were George Frost, Kathy Feldman and Eric Waxman. 

Thanks to Sr Marie Chabanel and Sr. Bernadette from St. Pius V, whom encouraged/coordinated with students and attended the contest.

Thanks also to Dan Sherry, Charlie Feldman and Jack O’Brien for also attending and helping to make this a very successful event. It was so wonderful to hear the younger generation speaking up for LIFE! 

Add Your Heading Text Here


Awards: $1000, $600 and/or $400

Purpose: To challenge young people to become actively engaged in raising social awareness and responsibility for human life.

Eligibility: This scholarship is open to all current High School Juniors & Seniors residing on Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk), New York.

Task: Young people can influence their peers to become active members in movements they consider to be important.  More and more young people today are actively pro-life, defending the life and dignity of the pre-born, the elderly and the disabled. 

What are some of the ways that you have used to promote the respect for human life message among your peers, encouraging them in the respect for human life?


  • Applications are available on ProlifeED.org under Events

  • Submit completed application (information & requirements) 

no later than April 15th, 2025 to:

LICL Educational Trust Fund, PO Box 247, Old Bethpage, NY 11804

OR email to: Makeroom4him@gmail.com

  • The winners will be announced in early May, 2025


http://Down Load Application Here or Print/Copy From Below



Candidate Name: ___________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Phone: (_____) __________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________

High School Name: __________________________________________

Expected Graduation Date: ________________



For items #1 & #2: Submit activities that took place any time from April  2024 through the time you turn in your application. You can use as much space as needed for the descriptions, but you will be evaluated on the content, not the length of, your responses. Provide photos, grades, feedback, screenshots, weblinks, etc., as applicable.


  1. List your participation in respect for human life event(s). Participation in at least one event is required. The event should preferably be public outreach (e.g. a vigil, rally, pro-life information table at school event).
  1. Describe a specific activity or action you performed that helped engage others with the respect life message. Explain when, where, what, and how you incorporated the respect for human life message. For example, this might be part of a class assignment (speech, debate, video, artwork), club activity, or other project (e.g. social media posts).
  1. Write a 300-500 word essay about your experience when carrying out scholarship requirements #1 & #2. This may be, e.g., your personal challenges with an activity, reactions of others to your presentation/project, what you’ve learned preparing for this scholarship.


Applicants will be rated and selected on:

  • Level of Involvement — Participation in respect for human life events
  • Creative advocacy — Incorporating the respect for human life message into a public setting using pro-life topic(s)
  • Dedication — Time and effort displayed in advocating respect for human life on Long Island.

Topics are limited to one or more of the following:

  • Abortion
  • Assisted Suicide
  • Bioethics (as it relates to pro-life)
  • Black Genocide (through abortion)
  • Cloning/Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Ectogenesis
  • Eugenics (as it relates to pro-life)
  • Euthanasia
  • Fetal Development (in the context of abortion)
  • Infanticide
  • Legal Points – Right to Life
  • Men & Abortion
  • Post Abortion
  • Pro Life Apologetics
  • Special Needs/Down Syndrome (as it relates to abortion)

March For Life NY

March for Life New York

Invites you to help SAVE PRE-BORN LIVES IN NEW YORK!

Mon., June 24th, 2024 at 12 Noon

Meet at Children’s Memorial, Empire Plaza and March to NYS Capitol Steps,

State St. & Washington Ave., Albany

There will be Pro Life Speakers, Prayer & More WIth Like-Minded Believers!…

To register, volunteer & more, visit www.MarchForLifeNY.org or 

Call Pastors Joni & Jim Lupis at 631-681-7275 or email; march4lifeny@gmail.com

Good Friday Silent Vigil for Unborn

March 29th, 2024 10:30AM-Noon

Pro-life Women, men and children are invited to take part in this peaceful , lawful Face the Truth event for the protection of life in the womb and against abortions committed at  in Nassau Univ. Medical Center Prayer protest on public sidewalk in front of 2201 Hempstead Tpk., East Meadow, NY.

Signs provided (east end of hospital). Sponsored by Long Island Coalition for Life 631–243-1435; info@prolifeLI.org